Product comes with:
- Blond head sculpt
- Highly poseable body with seamless arms
- 7 hands (L and R hands in different shapes):
- A pair of hands for holding item(s)
- A pair of claw hands
- A pair of fists
- One special hand also for holding item(s)
- Dark blue tight-fitting turtleneck top
- Dark blue pants
- Belt*2
- Suspenders and sash
- Left pauldron
- Left forearm armlet
- Custom boots
- Buster Sword
- Buster Sword connector and interchangeable parts
- Materia*9 (green*3, blue*2, red*2, yellow*1, purple*1)
- Materia*9 in normal state (green*3, blue*2, red*2, yellow*1, purple*1)
- Yellow flower