Batman, the iconic fictional superhero appearing in American comic books, first appeared in DC Comics in May 1939. The dark knight that swore vengeance against criminals was a superhero without super-power.
This 1:1 life-size bust is crafted based on Ben Affleck's Batman, which appeared in Justice League. The bust featured medical grade silicon to create the likeness of the face and also punched facial hair. The bust showcases Batman’s Tactical Batsuit with a pose of holding his signature Batarang, and he is ready to throw it to his enemies. An interchangeable eyepiece is also included for flexible poses.
Celebrating Batman's 80th anniversary, this Life-Size Batman bust is a must-have for DC fans!
Product SizeHeight: 37.4" (949.96 mm) | Width: 35.4" (899.16 mm) | Depth: 35.4" (899.16 mm) | *